Wednesday 13 May 2009

Roulette Nation Special Live TV Offers

I was watching Roulette Nation on Challenge Jackpot TV last night, when I noticed something I hadn't seen before...people were winning even though their bet hadn't come up!

What was happening? Well, I kept watching for a bit, and then the presenter managed to clear things up for me...there was a special offer on bets placed that night; if the ball landed on the single green zero, and your bet was on the third column, you won! The benefits of this are obvious - your chances of winning have been increased; if the ball lands on your column, you'll win! If the ball lands on the zero, you'll win!

It seems that offers like this aren't available in the 'regular' casinos - all the more reason for playing Live TV Roulette at sites like Roulette Nation! Check out Roulette TV Online for more details on how to play either streaming roulette or roulette live on your TV.

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