Sunday 7 June 2009

Smart Live Casino Uses The European Wheel For Live TV Roulette

Smart Live Casino uses the European, or French, roulette wheel for its Live TV Roulette show.

Why should you care? Because it increases your chances of winning, that's why!

There are two types of roulette wheel; the American wheel, and the European wheel. At a first glance, it's easy to see the differences. The American wheel has two green pockets, whereas the European wheel only has one. So there's 38 pockets on the American wheel, rather than the 37 on the European one.

What's the difference? Well, if you're playing the outside bets, then your chances of winning are far greater. Don't forget that a fifty-fifty (i.e. odd/even, or black/white) bet isn't really 50/50. In reality you stand under a fifty percent chance of winning because of the zero - your chance is 18 out of 37.

If its an American table, then this goes up to 18 out of 38 - enough of a difference to give you a bad night! Wherever possible, you should always play on a European wheel, like the one at Smart Live Casino.

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