Sunday, 24 May 2009

Roulette TV Online now offers a Live Feed!

The Roulette TV Online website is now offering a RSS feed which will contain details of the latest promotions offered by Smart Live Casino, Super Casino, and Roulette Nation.

In addition to these great offers, the feed also contains information and news about the latest articles published on the site.

In case you were not aware, Roulette TV Online is not just limited to information about casinos with live streaming feeds and live tv roulette, it's also got an extensive roulette articles library. The articles range from the history to roulette, to tactics, and even to humour! (Well, stuff that amuses me, anyway).

As an example, here's a snippet of a recently published article:

Online TV Roulette Means You Can Play Without Any Clothes On

You have to get dressed up. You have to behave yourself. No shouting. No throwing things. Good grief…playing in a real casino is just like going to a funeral with your monther! There must be a better way to play where you can do what you want, how you want. What? You mean there is? Online TV Roulette is the answer? Hmmm…lets take a look.

So you have gone to a casino. It’s a smart one, with super clean roulette tables, smartly dressed croupiers, sexy waitresses (or waiters, if that’s your thing). You get a drink, and wander over to the nearest table, throw down some chips and win! You jump in excitement, and spill a bit of your drink. Suddenly, you notice that its all gone quiet. Everyone is looking at you – and then you feel a hand on your shoulder, and suddenly your money has gone. Bet you wish you had stayed at home and played Online TV Roulette now?

Many casinos have a strict etiquete. No drinking over the table. No throwing chips onto the board. No gawping at the tremendous clevage the female croupier (croupiette?) is showing. Leave a tip for the dealer (there’s even more money gone!). Fortunately for you, Online TV Roulette means that you don’t have to obey the standard casino etiquete. No longer is your every move observed, you have to mind your manors, and you can swear as loud as you like when your number doesn’t turn up. You will not get the strange looks from anyone (except possibly the cat) and strange feeling of being alone in a room full of people you get when you suddenly run around the room like a lunatic following a big win.

If you want to read more, click here for the feed. It can do nothing but grow!

1 comment:

Allvira said...

It sounds good in the world of entertainment, I'll gonna visit your
roulette articles just due to little bit knowledge what I have. Its new for me..
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